Letter Template for Clients, Friends & Family to DEFRA
EMAIL TO: ps.lord.benyon@defra.gov.uk
CC secretary.state@defra.gov.uk
INCLUDE YOUR MP EMAIL that can be found: Find MPs – MPs and Lords – UK Parliament
YOU CAN ALSO tweet: @DefraGovUK when will you #BanShockCollars
Rt Hon Lord Benyon
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Seacole Building, 2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF
Dear Lord Benyon,
I am writing to you as a concerned citizen. My Member of Parliament is currently on summer recess, so I am contacting you directly and have copied my MP on this communication.
I was delighted to learn that the government had committed to banning electric shock collars, aka e-collars, but now have concerns that no date has been set for the final committee debate in the House of Commons.
As an educated dog owner, I know that, for the welfare of dogs and the safety of our communities, training should always be conducted in a manner that sets up dogs for success and allows them to enjoy the learning experience and feel safe and mentally engaged during training.
I wholeheartedly support banning the sale of e-collar devices and their use in training any animal. I urge you to please move forward with the debate and the e-collar ban.