Musings, tips, reviews




Starting Off Right: Why Foundations Matter in Dog Training

What Do We Mean by 'Foundations' in Dog Training? Bringing a new dog into your life is exciting, whether it's a fresh-faced puppy or a rescue looking for a second chance. But excitement can quickly turn to frustration when unwanted behaviours crop up—jumping up,...

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Top 8 Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Dog Behaviourist

I know you want the absolute best for your dog. From finding a great vet to the perfect behaviourist to investing in pet products from companies whose business practices resonate with you, where you spend your money matters. You want the best for your budget and also...

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How to Pick the Right Dog Behaviourist for You

As a dedicated Clinical Animal Behaviourist, I meet a lot of dog parents who are overwhelmed by the daunting task to find someone trustworthy and knowledgeable enough to address their dog's behavioural issues effectively. Finding the right dog behaviourist can deeply...

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9 Bucket List Activities To Do With Your Aging Dog

It can be hard to admit your dog is getting on in years. You might not realise it at first, but one day you'll suddenly notice that things have changed and you're living with an older dog, without knowing exactly when it happened. You may have stopped doing what you...

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How a Daily Reflection Practise Helps With Reactivity

Living with a reactive dog can be a challenging, overwhelming, exhausting experience. As someone living with a reactive dog you may find yourself constantly on edge and anxious, never knowing when your dog will react to a trigger. You may feel frustrated, ashamed or...

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