
Solutions For Your Dog Behaviour Problems

Delight in a dog that makes you proud
Transform your dreams into reality

Qualified, professional, supportive online dog behaviour help.

Where ethics and empathy, meet excellence and efficiency,

for a dog that makes you proud.

Has your dream of the perfect pup turned into a nightmare?

It’s frustrating, not to mention embarrassing, that your longed for Lassie is actually a chaos causing Cujo.

They’ve become a source of pain, not pride.

It’s time to make a change so you can enjoy, not endure, your furry friend.

Whether you’re struggling with a dog who doesn’t welcome visitors, or dreading dog walks awash with embarrassing outbursts, my online packages are designed to bring you relief.

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Behaviour Services

I can help you with

dog resting having a siesta on his bed with his teddy bears, tired and sleepy

Problems with other dogs

Does your dog bark and lunge at other dogs on walks? Can just the sound of tags on a collar make them go ballistic?

Do you hide in the undergrowth to avoid others? Or walk super early or late?

Are you embarrassed about what other dog owners think or say? Guilty because you’re avoiding walks altogether?

Start your journey towards a dog that is Calm About Canines. And enjoy walks in daylight again, without your dog kicking off every 5 minutes.

Perfect for: dogs that are reactive to other dogs, are worried by dogs they don’t know, or get frustrated or over-excited around other dogs.

dog resting having a siesta on his bed with his teddy bears, tired and sleepy

Problems with other people

Does your dog bark and lunge at other people? Can you no longer stop and chat with people on walks?

Have you stopped having a social life because your dog barks non-stop at visitors?

Scared that they might not stop at barking and will end up biting someone?

Guilty that your children can’t have friends over?

Take the first step to a dog that’s Happy About Humans. And enjoy being sociable again, with a dog that waits politely and welcomes visitors.

Perfect for: dogs that are reactive to other people, are worried by people they don’t know, or get frustrated or over-excited around visitors.

Not sure what behaviour help is right for you?

If you’re not sure what help is right for you, or if you’re dealing with too many problems to mention, don’t worry.

Book a free call with me. We can talk and decide together what your next step should be.

Wilson, a Welsh Springer Spaniel on top of cliffs in Cornwall

“[No blame] is one of the reasons why I come to you for training and recommend you to other people!

In those moments when I’ve felt totally useless, ineffective and stupid as Wilson is doing something ‘bad’, you haven’t looked at me in a way people can/do and reinforced that feeling. You have calmly advised what to do and how.
Great big thank you for your help and understanding!”

Maxine (with Wilson)

Shetland Sheepdog in a wood, standing in a pile of fallen leaves and barking
I’m Kelly Cordell-Morris……I’m glad you’re here!

I’m a qualified, experienced and accredited dog behaviourist.

I am committed to equipping you with the knowledge and tools to bring out the best in your furry companion.

At the core of our work together lies attitude – both yours and your dog’s. A solid foundation of positive reinforcement ensures a safe and effective learning environment, fostering growth and progress.

My qualifications and certifications as an ABTC Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Animal Training Instructor, are a testament to my expertise and experience. You can trust that you are in capable hands.

I understand that life can be busy, and dealing with a dog’s behaviour challenges can be overwhelming. That’s why I’m here to provide efficient solutions that yield real results without huge amounts of effort on your part.

Moreover, if your pet insurance covers behavior help, you can likely reclaim my fees.

Let’s get started on this journey together and get ready to see your beloved companion flourish like never before!

Dog behaviourist, Kelly Cordell-Morris, photo collage of her working with different dogs.
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German Shepherd Cross Walking on Trail
Trying to decide who is the right dog behaviourist for you?

We’ll work well together if……

  • You want help with your dog who is showing reactive or aggressive behaviour. Or if your dog is showing signs of fear or anxiety.
  • You love your dog and you want to be able to show the world who your dog is really when they aren’t being a twonk. Because they’re awesome a lot of the time.
  • You want to use methods that you feel comfortable with that don’t involve telling your dog off or punishing them for getting it wrong.
  • You want to work with a properly qualified, accredited and experienced professional who you can trust to have your back.
  • You want to tackle things in bite-sized pieces and be supported through all steps of the learning.
  • You want multiple coaching sessions included in the package, for real lasting change.
  • You are comfortable with online coaching sessions, and using tech (none of it is complicated).

What people think

Buddy a graduate of Calm about Canines behaviour package

Jane & Buddy

You have enabled us to understand Buddy so much more. We have learnt how he works and how to make his and our lives better. The feedback messages were really helpful ensuring we were on the right track.

Our relationship with Buddy has improved so much and we have addressed areas I thought we would not be able to change. We know so much more and have skills to help him and us.

Buddy a graduate of Calm about Canines behaviour package

Alicia & Roger

We’d received so much bad advice about Roger from others…..and it was absolutely all nonsense of course. He just needed someone to understand him and help us support him where he needs it. 

Thank you so much for being that person for us. There were so many spot-on bits of advice that you’ve given me that I never forget. and that consistency is what has helped the most. 

Buddy a graduate of Calm about Canines behaviour package

Lauren & Barney

You were very hands on and always there to help. You got to know Barney and his behaviour in depth to teach us many new tools to help him.

It has made having people over much less stressful.

Buddy a graduate of Calm about Canines behaviour package

Sarah & Bryher

Sending video clips weekly on our progress and receiving video back with feedback was so valuable. Your positivity and enthusiasm boosted my confidence even when I felt it was all going to pot. Your belief in us and helping me to connect all the different bits of training together was brilliant.

You gave great advice from changing activities to suit us, to helping us get the right harness and lead for Bryher. You showed us how to know Bryher was happy, but alson when we had reached her limit so we could keep her feeling confident and not anxious.

Thank you doesn’t actually feel enough!

Buddy a graduate of Calm about Canines behaviour package

Lynsey & Dorothy

The booklets you sent out were incredibly thorough and so nice to have to look back on and refresh if we needed to. Also meant we could give them to Dorothy’s dog sitter when we went away as she was keen to continue what we had learnt.

You’re incredibly knowledgable and the amount of information you gave us in such a short space of time is amazing. I feel I’ve learnt a lot!

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Attitude is Everything, My Positive reinforcement philosophy

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How to achieve easy living with your dog

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