
Teenage Dog Shenanigans

Over the top and out of control?
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Wondering where your perfect puppy went?

confused why they are great one day and a nightmare the next?

Does it all feel too much?

You’re pulling your hair out. Your dog’s energy seems to be sky high, and yours is at rock bottom. You’re exhausted trying to control their behaviour every moment. Every day. They’re unruly, boisterous and over the top.

You’ve tried everything to calm them down. New food, supplements, you’re wondering whether drugs would help. For you or your dog.

It’s just in certain situations they get…..well nuts.

Cocker spaniel doing crazy running on the beach
Dog chasing bird on the beach

Your dog was great in puppy class. You don’t know what happened. You’ve searched for answers and only found more confusion.

When your dog is calm and in their happy place they are a freaking delight. You wish they could be like that everywhere.

You’re never sure when the hell hound is going to show up. Some days are great, then they are barking like an idiot at a bin bag.

It’s embarrassing. You can’t keep pretending they’re a puppy anymore. You love their zest for life, you just wish it wasn’t quite so zesty. You don’t want them to lose their personality. But you’d just like them to not be quite so much. All. The. Time.

You fantasize about good days being every day.

You could have unmolested visitors. Enjoy a walk where they don’t head off over the horizon. Family trips without needing a disaster plan.

You dream about a dog that can join in with your activities without it being a mission. That chilling out on the sofa binging Netflix could be a thing once again.

You know you’ve got to do something, but you don’t know what. You want to have a plan to follow. To know exactly what you need to do and when. You want someone who will walk you through it, so that you’re not alone. Someone who can see through the chaos and loves your dog as much as you.

Even when you want to throttle them.

Whippet walking calmly beside their owner

Troublesome Teen to Awesome Adult is perfect for you if….

  • Your dog is between 6 and 18 months.
  • You dream of being able to enjoy having visitors to your home or going out to places with your dog without worrying about what they might do.
  • You realise there are no quick fixes and that behaviour change (for both you and your dog) takes time.
  • You want support and understanding, both from an expert and other people with similar problems to you. 
  • You want to build a positive relationship with your dog while addressing the problems you have. Without the need to micromanage every second of their day.
  • You like to have a plan broken down into smaller steps and track your progress as you go
Brindle dog looking up adoringly at owner

How a coaching package works

1. Book a call

Book a free 15 min discovery call and to discuss what option is the right one for you.

After the call I'll send you all you need to book right away.

And if we aren't a good fit, I can give you information on who may be able to help you better.

2. Support from the start

We'll start with an online consult so I can work out what's going on and share my expert advice.

I'll set out a clear plan of action and coach you through the first steps. 

3. Your Individual Plan

You don't need to worry about remembering everything. I'll send you material immediately after the first session.

I'll then follow up with a pack of step by step instructions to move you on, video examples and other resources so you know exactly what to do and when.

4. Ongoing Support

Now you know what to do you can start to put the plan into action. You'll have easy access to my support along with feedback on training videos you send me. I'll be able to guide you through any problems to get you back on track.

You'll have follow up online coaching sessions laying out the plan step by step as you progress.

5. Build a great relationship

Dogs are a joy, but can also be hard work. It can be a struggle to see how far you've come when working through a behaviour problem. That's why I include a reflection practise in my packages. 

You'll be able to build a great relationship with your dog and look forward to a bright future. All while celebrating just how far you've traveled together.

Are you ready to get started?

You can schedule your initial consultation upon booking your package.

Current wait times to start are between 2-4 weeks.

Where necessary, you'll receive immediate advice and actions to minimise risk and prevent the problem from worsening before the package starts. 

Black lab sitting

“At the beginning of the package, we had a dog I was frightened to take outside,

even taking him for a loo trip in the garden was stressful. We were seriously beginning to plan how we would tell the breeder he had to go back.

We can barely believe the transformation. Not just in Archie’s behaviour, but in our relationship with him. 

Don’t get me wrong – he isn’t an angel – he’s still an exuberant adolescent, but my husband and I love him to bits, and are so proud of how he’s doing.

We’re recognising the joy and balance that he is bringing to our lives, and are really grateful to have him around.”

Nicola (with Archie)

I can help you

If your dog is somewhere between 6 and 18 months-ish, and is unruly, boisterous and over the top, congratulations! You have a terrible teenager! And you’re in luck. Those chaotic canines are my favourite.

I’ve created the Troublesome Teen to Awesome Adult package just for this. A tried and tested formula that is still flexible enough to be bespoke just for you. A way to help you navigate this difficult period and channel that energy so you can both find the space to breathe and look forward to a well-behaved adult you can be proud to show off.

Veterinary referral is required prior to working with you.

You may be able to claim back some or all of the cost of my support through your pet insurance, due to my qualifications and accreditations. You should check with your insurer whether you are covered and for what amount.

Package details

  • 8-10 (standard) or 12-14 (intensive) weeks of support and coaching from an expert who’s been where you are.
  • 4 (standard) or 12 (intensive) knowledge sessions so that you and your dog can learn the skills you need with real-time expert coaching.
  • Structured, yet flexible programme with a personalised plan that will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
  • Written training plans with audio and video support so you have easy reminders of what to do and can easily share everything you’re working on with any other members of the family who might not be able to make it to the sessions.
  • Video feedback on your training throughout the package.
  • No more inconsistency, frustration or anxiety about how your dog will behave. You’ll have clear strategies to improve your dog’s behaviour at home and out and about.
  • Access to office hours for further support alongside other Tails We Win clients.  
  • A training pack with the items I recommend and use myself to get you started on the right foot.




Initial Consultation only

Best for: dipping your toe in if you’re not sure you’re ready for a package.

For initial management and enrichment strategies to prevent things from getting worse and ensure your and your dog’s needs are being met.

Most people need 3-6+ sessions to meet their goals. Non-package follow-ups are £225/session.

It is possible to upgrade to a package at the end of the consultation.




4 sessions in 8-10 weeks

Best for: dogs aged 6-18 months who have 1 or 2 issues to work through where the main issue is unruly, boisterous behaviour perhaps with a side of frustration.

For a deeper understanding of how you can help your dog so your training is slick, efficient and full of fun rather than a battle.

Recommended frequency of a coaching session every 2 weeks.



12 sessions in 12-14 weeks

Best for: dogs aged 6-18 months who have several issues to work through but where the main issue is unruly, boisterous behaviour with a side of fear or frustration.

A true deep dive into learning about your dog’s behaviour. What motivates them to do what they do and how you can help support them for successful change.

Recommended frequency of 2 sessions a week to start, decreasing to 1 a week, then 1 every 2 weeks as the package progresses.

I'm fully booked right now

You can go on the waiting list and will be contacted as soon as there is space available.

Behaviour FAQs

Can't you just give me some tips during the Discovery call?

I’d love to be able to solve behaviour problems over the phone in less than an hour, but sadly it’s just not possible. Nobody can make such a promise.

Every dog and situation is individual and I can’t safely give advice without first assessing your dog.

For a real resolution it is vital to understand the underlying reasons for your dog’s behaviour and that can only happen with a full assessment.

Will my dog’s behaviour get better on its own?

It’s unlikely. It’s much more likely to get worse as time goes on. You’ve probably been thinking about getting help for a while because the behaviour seems to have got worse, but you’re not sure whether it is bad enough.

Often I don’t get called until there has been a particular incident that has scared people in some way. By then the problem has been developing for a long time and has become quite ingrained. It is never too early to address behaviour concerns.

What about training classes, will they help?
It's understandable that you might think a training class will help, but these kind of problems are about more than just good manners. The problem you’re facing is bigger than just some pulling on the lead on the way out the door and it’s going to take more than just a weekly class to fix it.

Classes are great for learning how to teach dogs everyday manners or particular skills like coming when called. In order to learn your dog needs to be comfortable and relaxed in that environment and generally dogs that are showing problem behaviours like those above just aren’t relaxed, confident dogs.

How much effort will I have to put in?
A fair amount. To change your dog’s behaviour normally involves changing your behaviour too and that can be hard. You’ll be supported every step of the way though with a plan broken into achievable stages so you won’t be overwhelmed.

You’ll probably have to spend an extra 15mins each day doing specific training, plus changing routines or implementing new management to prevent problem behaviour.

Although it might feel difficult at first, the changes you’ll see in your dog and your life together will make it more than worthwhile.

How long will it take to see results?
You should see the beginnings of change within two weeks. For lasting results you will probably need to work for several months. Your dog’s current problems are likely to have developed over a long period of time and that can’t be undone overnight.
Why do I need to get a veterinary referral?

It’s important to work under referral to make sure your dog has no medical issues contributing to a problem behaviour. Lots of medical conditions can affect behaviour including joint pain, thyroid disease, neurological issues, skin problems and gut issues like an irritable bowel. Medical problems need to be treated first so that you aren’t wasting your time trying to change behaviour that has a medical cause.

What if my dog has more than one problem?

It's common for dogs to have big feelings about more than one thing and so have problem behaviours in multiple situations. 

It may be possible to work with more than one type of problem within a package, but it depends on the problems and the reasons for them. Packages can be increased to account for additional problems and the time needed to work with you on them. 

Pick the problem that is the biggest headache for you and book a call for that package. Make sure to tell me about any additional problems you will want to address and I will discuss options with you at the discovery call. 


What guarantees do you offer?
I can't guarantee specific results, and no one else can either, there's too many variables to be able to do that.

What I can guarantee you is:

  • A safe, non-judgmental environment
  • Commitment to help you seek relief, change and improvement
  • Dedication to kind, fair, science-based training methods for both you and your dog.
Why should I work with you?
Because I’m qualified and accredited as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist. In the UK anyone can call themselves a trainer or behaviourist regardless of their level of knowledge or skill.  I have been assessed by the Association of Pet Behaviour Councellors (APBC) and I’m registered with the Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) so you can be assured of my academic knowledge and professional experience.

Importantly I also understand what you’re going through —I’ve been there with my own dogs in the past. I personally understand the embarrassment, fear and guilt that having a dog with behaviour problems entails.

Find out more about me.

Can't you just give me some tips during the discovery call?

I’d love to be able to solve behaviour problems over the phone in less than an hour, but sadly it’s just not possible. Nobody can make such a promise.

Every dog and situation is individual and I can’t safely give advice without first assessing your dog.

For a real resolution it is vital to understand the underlying reasons for your dog’s behaviour and that can only happen with a full assessment.

Will my dog’s behaviour get better on its own?
It’s unlikely. It’s much more likely to get worse as time goes on. You’ve probably been thinking about getting help for a while because the behaviour seems to have got worse, but you’re not sure whether it is bad enough.

Often I don’t get called until there has been a particular incident that has scared people in some way. By then the problem has been developing for a long time and has become quite ingrained. It is never too early to address behaviour concerns.

What about training classes, will they help?
It's understandable that you might think a training class will help, but these kind of problems are about more than just good manners. The problem you’re facing is bigger than just some pulling on the lead on the way out the door and it’s going to take more than just a weekly class to fix it.

Classes are great for learning how to teach dogs everyday manners or particular skills like coming when called. In order to learn your dog needs to be comfortable and relaxed in that environment and generally dogs that are showing problem behaviours like those above just aren’t relaxed, confident dogs.

How much effort will I have to put in?
A fair amount. To change your dog’s behaviour normally involves changing your behaviour too and that can be hard. You’ll be supported every step of the way though with a plan broken into achievable stages so you won’t be overwhelmed.

You’ll probably have to spend an extra 15mins each day doing specific training, plus changing routines or implementing new management to prevent problem behaviour.

Although it might feel difficult at first, the changes you’ll see in your dog and your life together will make it more than worthwhile.

How long will it take to see results?
You should see the beginnings of change within two weeks. For lasting results you will probably need to work for several months. Your dog’s current problems are likely to have developed over a long period of time and that can’t be undone overnight.
why do i need to get a veterinary referral?
It’s important to work under referral to make sure your dog has no medical issues contributing to a problem behaviour. Lots of medical conditions can affect behaviour including joint pain, thyroid disease, neurological issues, skin problems and gut issues like an irritable bowel. Medical problems need to be treated first so that you aren’t wasting your time trying to change behaviour that has a medical cause.
what if my dog has more than one problem?

It's common for dogs to have big feelings about more than one thing and so have problem behaviours in multiple situations. 

It may be possible to work with more than one type of problem within a package, but it depends on the problems and the reasons for them. Packages can be increased to account for additional problems and the time needed to work with you on them. 

Pick the problem that is the biggest headache for you and book a call for that package. Make sure to tell me about any additional problems you will want to address and I will discuss options with you at the discovery call. 

what guarantees do you offer?
I can't guarantee specific results, and no one else can either, there's too many variables to be able to do that.

What I can guarantee you is:

  • A safe, non-judgmental environment
  • Commitment to help you seek relief, change and improvement
  • Dedication to kind, fair, science-based training methods for both you and your dog.
Why should I work with you?
Because I’m qualified and accredited as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist. In the UK anyone can call themselves a trainer or behaviourist regardless of their level of knowledge or skill.  I have been assessed by the Association of Pet Behaviour Councellors (APBC) and I’m registered with the Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) so you can be assured of my academic knowledge and professional experience.

Importantly I also understand what you’re going through —I’ve been there with my own dogs in the past. I personally understand the embarrassment, fear and guilt that having a dog with behaviour problems entails.

Find out more about me.

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