by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 8 Dec, 2021 | Blog, Export, Life With Dogs, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
I’m often asked if I will take dogs in and do the training for you. Residential training is not something I offer. There are lots of personal reasons for why I don’t. I believe if I was to offer this the dog would need to live with us at home. That means my dogs would...
by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 14 Jul, 2021 | Blog, Dog Training Lingo, Dog Training Science, Export, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
There’s always a lot of discussion, or fighting sometimes, about ethics, ethos and methods like positive reinforcement and punishment in the dog training world. So much that it can become difficult to know what’s right or who’s talking the most sense. Right now...
by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 6 May, 2021 | Blog, Export, Life With Dogs, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
“Comparison is the thief of joy” is attributed to several people including Theodore Roosevelt, which probably means it was someone else. Regardless of who said it first, I think I agree mostly. It probably depends on how you are doing the comparison. For...
by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 19 Mar, 2021 | Blog, Export, Life With Dogs, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
We aren’t magic. Much as that would make our lives easier. But that’s a good thing because it means that anyone can learn to do what we do. Dog trainers get better results, or results more efficiently, because we’ve honed our skills over the years. The only...
by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 24 Dec, 2020 | Blog, Export, Life With Dogs, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
I live with three spaniels currently. At one point I lived with two German Shepherds, a saluki and two spaniels. I always felt I should even things up with another sighthound. But didn’t want to seem like a crazy dog lady. I often get asked “how do you...
by Kelly Cordell-Morris | 16 Nov, 2020 | Blog, Export, Life With Dogs, Teaser posts, Training & Behaviour
Living with a dog behaviour problem is by definition challenging for us. If we didn’t find the behaviour difficult to live with, we wouldn’t define it as a problem. Our dogs are individuals with an entire set of genetics and learning histories that make...